Marina Stroll

It seems that once again my travels abroad have coincided with another excellent find at Brandon Marsh! Birds I've missed in the passed through travel Pectoral Sandpiper, Spotted Crake and this time around, Firecrest. Notice I haven't mentioned Spotted Redshank, yet another bird missed this time around and one more that will enter my list of 'Birds I've Failed To Record At Brandon'. People keep telling me I should go away more often!!

Gorgeous Firecrest in the nets at Brandon - Thanks to Fred for the photo and Jim for allowing me to publish it!
Anyway I've not actually had a tour of the marina grounds in the last month and so this afternoon I was spurred into action by the constant passage of Skylarks I could hear while completing some boat chores. There were at least 30 over while I strolled around. Swallows are still here too with three birds on the wires near the canal junction and Starlings seem to be everywhere. One or two Reed Buntings were foraging in the reedbeds and dragonflies included Migrant Hawker and Common Darter, a single Speckled Wood butterfly was on the wing.

Still with us! Swallow
The surrounding bramble and hawthorn is drooping under the pressure of fruit and here a couple of Chiffchaff, plus Linnet, Chaffinch, House Sparrow and Blackbirds were taking advantage. Robins are on the increase and while I was adjacent to Napton Reservoir a Hobby flew through being pursued by a couple of Jackdaws. The ever present Pied Wagtails were around and both Yellow Wagtail and Meadow Pipit were recorded going over, along with Buzzard and the iconic Napton Ravens were cronking well.

Fruit Abounds!
However, where have my Tree Sparrows gone? An ever present here at Wigram's but not a single sighting today!

Spain - Final Day!

Bare Laguna Fuente de Piedra - Dazzling in the bright sunshine!
My flight home wasn't until late evening Monday so a visit to Laguna Dulce and Fuente de Piedra was on the cards, Lesser Kestrel on route to our first stop, Laguna Dulce. As we arrived at the hide a Spotted Flycatcher was perched on the roof and shortly after a second on the ground near the parking area seemed to have a damaged wing! A coupe of Spotless Starling were also close by and offered a photographic opportunity.

Spotless Starling
Plenty of water here but not too much mud for the waders and so during our stay we only managed a lone Ruff, (3) Ringed Plover, Little-ringed Plover, Green Sandpiper and numerous Black-winged Stilts. A small party of mixed Dunlin and Curlew Sandpiper flew through but we never managed to see where they settled, if at all. Plenty of hirundines with Barn Swallow, Red-rumped Swallow and plenty of Sand Martins, a few Common Swifts were also drifting through. A real bonus was a Subalpine Warbler that appeared close to the hide but just as I was about to get a cracking shot everything flushed, we never managed to relocate!

Sardinian Warbler
Good numbers of Greater Flamingo with lots of adult and juvenile birds and both Little Grebe and Black-necked Grebe were into double figures. Shoveler were in good numbers, a species I've always had down as a dabbling duck but the ones here are constantly diving! Over forty odd Pochard out towards the centre seemed a good number and Gadwall and White-headed Duck were also well represented, strangely a lone Wigeon was under the dead trees to the left of the hide. Raptors included a Common Buzzard and a couple of Marsh Harrier. Other birds of note: Zitting Cisticola, Goldfinch, Yellow Wagtail (iberiae), Common Whitethroat, Reed Warbler, Sardinian Warbler and Chiffchaff.

Crested Lark
On to Laguna de Piedra, where the drive down to the centre produced Crested Lark, Stonechat, Whinchat and Red-legged Partridge. I was already aware that the laguna itself was almost devoid of water after a super dry summer but no visit to the area is complete without a stop here, as it can also be a great place for passerines. We arrived just as the visitor centre was closing for lunch and from the centre view point managed distant views of around 30 or so Greater Flamingo and similar numbers of Lesser Black-backed Gull both feeding in a small pocket of water to the south. We visited the lagunetta hides which thankfully overlooked water but unfortunately the guys were busy strimming and the only bird of note was a distant Peregrine being mobbed by several hirundines. Around the mirador a couple of Little Owls were calling to each other but we never managed to connect.

Juvenile Woodchat Shrike
When visiting I always take a walk south along the perimeter track that runs parallel to the laguna. Spotted Flycatcher on the fence, along with Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Common Whitethroat, juvenile Woodchat Shrike and a flock of around forty or so Goldfinch. At the bottom of the track the Olive groves appear and it's always worth checking the bases of the olive trees as they provided decent shelter in the afternoon heat. We were on the money with Pied Flycatcher, White Wagtail, Whinchat and Wheatear all ground feeding and then taking cover, time for the airport!!

Sunday Stroll at Guadalhorce

With Dave all birded out after Saturday's long one a more leisurely day on Sunday and while he had a lay in I took an early morning visit to Guadalhorce.

Spoonbill - smile please!
Arrived just after sun up, a few black clouds around and thunder rumbling around the sierras. The walk from the church to the footbridge had Sardinian WarblerCettis's Warbler, Reed Warbler, Zitting Cisticola, and Whitethroat, plus feeding over the bridge a group of mixed hirundines with Barn Swallow, Red-rumped Swallow and House Martin. I decided to begin at the Del Rio Viejo and Laguna de la Casilla hides in the hope that the regular Little Bittern might be showing. Unfortunately not the case but an Osprey drifted past as I took my seat and five Little Tern were fishing away.

White-headed Duck - Exellent population at Guadalhorce
Kingfisher, (5) Little Grebe, Little Egret, (4) White-headed Duck, Greenshank, (4) Dunlin, (3) Ringed Plover, (9) Teal, (2) Shelduck, and a single Snipe, plus a group of three Spoonbills frantically feeding on Laguna Casillas were nice, one finally taking a breather long enough for a snap!

Just after the hides a little area of activity along the track produced ♂♀ Common Redstart and at least four Spotted Flycatchers happily popping up and down from ground to perch. The old river was a little quiet but Curlew Sandpiper were an addition and by the time I'd reached the sea Yellow-Wagtail, Sardinian Warbler, Crested Lark and well over 100 Monk Parakeets at the mouth of the Viejo.

Sanderling - Lovely little birds, unusual to see one so still!
The sea walk was very quiet with no Terns to be found and only a group of (8) Sanderling to keep me company.

Black-winged Stilt
Finally a half hour in the hide overlooking the Laguna Grande and here a dozen or so Oystercatcher asleep on the Islands. Not so many Gulls around this morning but the usual Audouins Gull and Yellow-legged Gulls were noted. In the dead trees across the lagoon a Turtle Dove perched briefly along with the many Spotless Starlings and additions of Cormorant, Grey Heron, Gadwall, Common Pochard, Common Sandpiper, Kentish Plover, Black-winged StiltRedshank and juvenile Greater Flamingo

Rat I think! Big ears?
The walk back to the car further added House Sparrow, Collared Dove, Goldfinch and Greenfinch but apart from the early Osprey no other raptors to be found this morning. The above Rat, well I think it's a Rat, it had extremely big ears ended a good if not prolific morning.

Migration Raptor-fest!

Just before dawn on Saturday morning Dave and I set off towards the straits of Gibraltar, just over an hour or so from Mijas using the toll roads.

El Algarrobo Bird Observatory
During the migration season there are two main crossing points in southern Europe for migrating raptors to reach their wintering grounds, western Turkey and the straits of Gibraltar. The straits offer the shortest crossing between Europe and Africa, only 16 kms at it's narrowest and so our destinations this morning were the two watch points at the El Algarrobo and Cazalla Bird Observatory's which overlook the straits.

Griffon Vulture
Booted Eagle
Shockingly blurred & cropped image of Ruppell's Vulture!
Immediately on arrival just after 9am the counting began, but to be honest I'd given up on Honey Buzzard when I reached the first fifty or so. From here on we'd stopped counting Booted Eagle and Short-toed Eagle too and just decided to enjoy the amazing spectacle.

Canon SX50 working overtime - White Stork
At one stage 30+ Black Stork came through in one hit and this along with various numbers of White Stork, Black Kite, Sparrowhawk, Common BuzzardGriffon Vulture and Egyptian Vulture kept us busy. Others of note both here and at Cazalla included a brace of Osprey and singles of Rüppell's Vulture, Bonelli's Eagle, Lesser Kestrel and Marsh Harrier to add to the list! During our stay a constant passage of Swift, along with fourteen Yellow Wagtail and nine Bee-eater. A Common Redstart was also noted close to the observation point at Algarrobo but I'd be surprised if anyone noticed.

La Janda- Awash with resting White Storks!
In the late afternoon we moved further around the coast to visit an area called La Janda. Here the main crop is rice and it can be a great area for a whole assortment of species. Immediately after turning on to the track the birds begin to appear: Corn Bunting, Crested Lark, Zitting Cisticola, Stonechat but it doesn't prepare you for the shear numbers of White Stork, they are everywhere, a few Glossy Ibis mingled in! Make sure you check the ditches during any visit, we managed Green Sandpiper, Little Egret and near one of the sluices over 50 Cattle Egret. Even distant views of a Black-shouldered Kite were amazing, my first for this area as one drifted over the distant water sprinklers. A good few Spanish Sparrows in the trees as we drove around too are worth a mention.

A very inquisitive Stonechat
We stopped for a sandwich before the track leads you back onto the main road and here a very inquisitive Stonechat along with four Common Kestrel and a single Lesser Kestrel. A few Marsh Harrier around but another prize was just prior to coming off the dust track when a pair of Montagu's Harrier stole the show!

The attractive Bald Ibis
Finally, we took the opportunity to visit Montenmedio Golf Club, a few Pallid Swift around the greens but a great place to see Bald Ibis, our main reason for the visit and we ended the day with excellent views of the above photographed handsome chap!

Spain Update #2

Temp - 24C/27C - Occasional Cloud - Wind NE @ 12 mph

Dave and I were due to head down to Tarifa today for a raptor watch but I'll just say that last nights late one put paid to that! A slight change of plan, we decided it might be best to stay local today and head there tomorrow.

Old quarry at Cantera los Arenales
Late morning we decided to head off up above Mijas and into the surrounding sierras, by a strange quirk of fate on exactly the same day we did it last year! The area in question starts at a disused quarry Cantera los Arenales and from here you make a steep climb up through the scrub and into the pine woods.

After parking we took the steep climb and as per usual things were pretty quiet to start with, save for a lone Chiffchaff calling. After finding a few sheltered areas it wasn't long before Crested Tit and Firecrest were located and soon after Coal Tit and Jay. A Falcon SP. whizzed through but far too quick for any ID attempts. However, what was without doubt was the Booted Eagle that passed overhead shortly after.

Stunning views from just short of 3000ft
Just short of  3000ft the paths open up to produce stunning views across the Hoya de Malaga. From here we're normally graced with the presents of a number of raptors but sadly today all we could manage were single Short-toed Eagle and Common Buzzard. Four Crag Martins were entertaining and these were joined occasionally by Red-rumped Swallow and House Martin. Bee-eaters could be heard from below but we never made eye contact. On the way back down other birds of note included Crossbill, Raven, Long-tailed Tit and Blackcap. Sadly we dipped on two of our target birds recorded here last year, Black Wheatear and Rock Bunting!

Three of the four Caspian Terns on the Laguna Grande.
With Dave visiting friends in San Pedro I paid an afternoon visit to Guadalhorce to catch up with another friend. It was a really excellent visit, first bird of note a Hoopoe, which I spotted as I crossed the bridge into the reserve. I decided to head straight down to the Laguna Grande, on route Crested Lark, Serin, Turtle Dove, Zitting Cisticola, Sardinian Warbler and the usual marauding Monk Parakeet.

One of a brace of Little Tern 
As I approached the hide I was alerted to the call of Caspian Tern, four in fact and by the time I settled in the hide all four were down and resting. A similar selection of waders to yesterdays post but with the addition of Greenshank.

Booted Eagle - Canon SX50 to the max!
I spent an hour or so in the hide, a couple of Little Tern came in to rest and I had the Canon SX50 maxed out on digital to get the above record shot of a Booted Eagle at rest. Yesterdays Osprey was also taking a nap in the adjacent tree. At one stage a Little Bittern flew from the reedbed towards the back of the laguna and then out towards the river.

Spoonbill and one of over twenty Grey Heron.
Finally, a couple of Spoonbill seemed a lot more active than the five I noted during yesterdays visit and both Audouins Gull and Mediterranean Gulls were also noted.

Spain Update #1

I arrived up at Dave's villa in Mijas, Spain Wednesday evening just as the sun was setting over the mountains. Even this late in the day a few Common Swift passed through and the usual Sardinian Warblers were hanging around the garden. We sat out for dinner overlooking Fuengirola and the Mediterranean below from the vantage point of Dave's patio area around a 1000ft above. Once again as like previous visits a very vocal Eagle Owl was calling from the hills over towards Mijas for most of the evening.

Crossbill - Highly cropped in the morning sun.
The sun doesn't actually rise in this area at the moment until just after 8am but I was on the patio, coffee in hand Thursday morning to watch it appear from behind the sierra's. First birds of note, a group of around a dozen or so Crossbills, one perching nicely before heading off below. Over breakfast several Barn Swallows passed through shortly followed by a couple of Red-rumped Swallow and one or two Serin.

Monk Parakeet - Well known at Guadalhorce
With food shopping and Dave having a few jobs to do in the morning we decided on an afternoon visit to Guadalhorce, Red Kite on route!. This reserve is quite close to Malaga airport and begins at the mouth of the river Guadalhorce, it consists of old gravel pit workings and ponds make up a wetland habitat with coastal access. The weather today was partly cloudy, around 28C but with a nice breeze and very little humidity made for quite a pleasant day.

Osprey - Happy enjoying it's fish dinner during our whole 3 hour stay.
After parking securely, 'never leave your car near the reserve entrance if you value your belongings', we made our way across the bridge onto the reserve. From our vantage point a Booted Eagle was enjoying a thermal over towards the airport and the usual Monk Parakeet were causing the inevitable mayhem. Even from this distance the unmistakable sight of an Osprey feeding on the large perching post near the Laguna Grande was a stunning sight. In fact the bird was there during our whole 3 hour stay.

Juvenile Greater Flamingo - Two on site during our stay!
We decided to move around the reserve anti-clockwise and the path leading to the Laguna Escoudida hide yielded several Crested Lark, Serin, Linnet, Collard Dove, and a fly-by Cattle Egret. The laguna itself had a couple of busy Kingfishers, Little Grebe, Shoveler and a half dozen White-headed Duck in various plumage and mostly fast asleep! We did managed the briefest views of a group of Black-headed Weaver that have apparently been around for best part of the week but never managed to reconnect.

Mediterranean Gull in among the many Lesser Black-backed.
Next stop Luguna Grande which was a real hive of activity, including much better views of the feeding Osprey, being closely observed by a whole tree full of Spotless Starling. Waders included: Common Sandpiper, Dunlin, Little-ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, Kentish Plover, Avocet, Redshank and Black-winged Stilt. Also of note a couple of juvenile Greater Flamingo and five roosting Spoonbill with plenty of Gulls on offer.

Ringed Audouins Gull AZYY
Audouins Gull, Mediterranean Gull and Yellow-legged Gull among the many Black-headed and Lesser Black-backed and also recorded Shelduck, at least a dozen Heron and single Little Egret.

Several Sanderling along the shoreline
While walking away from the wader pool along to the sea one or two more Crested Lark in the scrub to the right, single Yellow Wagtail but another bird took the eye, which on closer inspection turned out to be a Wryneck. The bird stayed grounded briefly before flying off towards the houses!

Sandwich Tern taking a breather!
The sea was pretty quiet with mostly Lesser Blacked Gulls and a single Sandwich Tern perched on one of the buoys, two more flew through during our walk along the shore with several Sanderling, a couple of Turnstone and a Woodchat Shrike briefly on the fence over towards the designated nesting area.

Back onto the reserve along the Rio Viejo had a small group of Greenfinch and stops at the two hides, Del Rio Viejo and Laguna de la Casilla, produced more additions to the day list with five Curlew Sandpiper, Cetti's Warbler, Snipe, five Teal, a pair of Pochard and a couple of fishing Little Terns graced the Laguna de la Casilla. Along the tall reeds heading back to the bridge a single Spanish Sparrow, Reed Warbler and while heading back to the car a group of House Martin with a few Red-rumped Swallows mingled in were feeding over the waist ground.

France - Ile de Re

Overview: The island of Ile de Re provides an LPO reserve, wader roosts, sea-watching and winter seabirds at the Phare des Baleines lighthouse on the extreme western tip of the island. The lighthouse stands on a low rocky headland offering some elevation for sea-watching, also nice rock pools with Waders, Terns, Gulls and Egrets on the ebbing tide. Divers, Grebes, Purple Sandpipers and Mediterranean Gulls are the specialities here; in October even Yellow-browed Warbler are occasionally found. Nearby there’s a reliable wader roost at Loix, and a Sacred Ibis roost with up to 140 birds in summer.

Ile de Re - Aerial view of the eastern end & causeway
This was our first visit to the site and with only a few days in France it wasn't possible to coincide this with a decent tide. Plus we didn't give the Island the justice it deserves, only managing to visit the Lilleau des Niges LPO reserve and the lighthouse, which as you can imagine was extremely busy on a sunny, hot Sunday. The Island is accessible by road over a causeway, be aware that it took us 2 hours to even get back to the causeway on the way home, traffic merges into one lane across it from the two main routes and causes a major pinch point, particularly on a Sunday evening!

Yellow-legged Gull
Almost immediately on arrival it was obvious that this was a real wader habitat. Even stopping off at the small towns overlooking the sea large numbers of Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Curlew, Turnstone, Oystercatcher and Redshank could be found. At least a half dozen Mediterranean Gulls and numerous Yellow-legged Gulls were noted, off shore a small party of Common Scoter.

Black-tailed Godwit - Over 3000 roost on the Island
When we reached Lilleau des Niges the temperature was in the high 20's but it wasn't long before our first raptors appeared, with Common Buzzard numerous, Peregrine, Kestrel and a single Marsh Harrier.

With the tide out most of the waders were offshore but we managed Greenshank, Green Sandpiper and Common Sandpiper. Our first Wheatear of this visit along with Yellow Wagtail, Tree Pipit, Meadow Pipit and Cetti's Warbler. Not many terns to be found with only a couple of Sandwich Terns during our stay. This is also a great place to see Bluethroat, which sadly leave the area in early September so we dipped on that one! Other birds of note included: Spoonbill, Bar-tailed Godwit, Little Egret, White Wagtail, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Linnet, StonechatKingfisher and Black-tailed Godwit, of which over 3000 can be seen here in autumn.

Black Redstart - Finally a better image!
Finally, on Monday morning back at the house another search of the gardens and village found a whole family of Black Redstart, five in total and I managed a better shot of what may be the daddy on his favourite chimney perch. No sign on this visit of the resident Red Squirrels but Firecrest, Marsh Tit, Pied Flycatcher, Corn Bunting and Blackcap. Next stop Spain!!

**Sub-note - RSPB Burton Mere today with Pectoral Sandpiper, Cattle Egret and Red-necked Phalarope!

France - La Brenne

I spent the early morning in the in-laws garden chasing down yesterday evenings Black Redstart but the best I could mange was a top half shot of the little fellow hiding behind next doors chimney! Firecrest was next and once again a close encounter of the 'blurred kind' but simply fantastic to have these little gems right on the doorstep.

Black Redstart giving me the run-around!
Dee and I arrived in the La Brenne region around mid-morning after stopping off at various locations on route,  Tree Pipit, Stonechat, Whinchat, Yellow Wagtail, White Wagtail, Honey Buzzard, Common Buzzard and a couple of juvenile Marsh Harrier all recorded by the time we'd parked up. Renown to be one of France's best kept secrets and only a half hour drive from Dee's parents house this is without doubt one of our favourite birding hotspots. A patchwork of fishponds, heath and red sandstone outcrops La Brenne is an area of rich flora and fauna delicately preserved by its ‘National Park’ status. Known locally as 'The Land of a thousand Lakes' this is a rich tapestry of habitats including marshes, deciduous woods, dry heathland and farmland.

Great White Egret - All around La Brenne
Starting off at Etang (French for man-made lake) De La Sous the short walk to the hide always produces and by the time we'd settled the usual Great White Egrets and Cattle Egrets were a constant companion. The surrounding marshland was awash with Stonechat and two Spotted Flycatcher were also noted. Butterflies still on the wing included Common Blue,  Small Heath, Clouded Yellow and Wall.

Short-toed Eagle - A first for Dee and I in the Brenne
The lake itself was remarkably quiet but it wasn't long before the possible culprit was identified, a Marsh Harrier enjoying her catch towards the back end. Most of the action was airborne with both Peregrine and Hobby making an appearance and then a huge bird heading towards us at height turned out to a Common Crane, a very early one in fact as these birds normally winter late October to March. As if that wasn't enough as we exited the hide another large raptor overhead turned out to be a stunning Short-toed Eagle. My research tells me that there are only one or two pairs around this region and in fact it was a first for Dee and I at La Brenne.

Dee's discovery - A nice Pied flycatcher
Next stop the hide at Etang Ricot and immediately after parking in the woody area Dee came across a nice Pied Flycatcher. Nuthatch, Cormorant, Little Grebe, Chiffchaff, Short-toed Treecreeper and European Pond Tortoise was the best we could manage before heading off for lunch.

After lunch we parked up at the Brenne's Wildlife Visitor Centre and took a walk down to the hide which overlooks Cistude Lake. Two more Common Crane flew across high from the east but generally the lake was quiet with the exception of Little Egret and the usual Great White's. A couple of Kingfishers were entertaining for a while and another view of Short-toed Eagle in the distance was welcome.

Juvenile Red-backed Shrike
Our final stop for the day in the late afternoon were the two hides at Foucault Lakes. From the main hide a couple of Coypu but off hunting in the distance over Blizon Lake was our one a only Osprey of the day, offering well scoped but distant views. The walk down to the smaller of the two hides had the usual half dozen or so Stonechat and this time accompanied by a couple of juvenile Red-backed Shrike, one of which posed beautifully momentarily. Unfortunately Dee had the camera set on flight shots and over exposed! Shame but a really terrific day in the Brenne ending with our only two waders of the visit, Snipe and Green Sandpiper.

RSPB Frampton

As I left the boat this morning before sun up the winter constellation of Orion was shinning brightly to the east, with Jupiter to the left in Cancer and Venus low on the horizon, winter is definitely on the way!

Some late summer work still to do for this Goldfinch!
When I reached RSPB Frampton Marsh, Lincolnshire a few hours later the early mist had given way to a gorgeous morning with at least a dozen or so Barn Swallows on the wires to greet me. The car park was alive with Meadow Pipits, Yellow Wagtails and Goldfinches and by the time I'd got organised and ready for my walk I'd added Linnet, Skylark and Yellowhammer to my day list. I managed distant views of a small raptor which sent things scattering, I had the distinct impression this was a Merlin, which was happily confirmed by one of the RSPB early birds a few minutes later, my first of the autumn.

Nice size comparison, grooming Curlew Sandpiper/Little Stint
First stop was going to be the East Hide for the early morning waders and I wasn't disappointed with (4) Avocet, (6) Curlew Sandpipers, (2) Little Stint and a distant but adequate view of Pectoral Sandpiper. Plenty of Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit and (4) Ringed Plover before an overhead pass from a Common Buzzard scattered the lot. I enjoyed a further half hour or so with Common Snipe, Golden Plover and (6) Northern Pintail to add.

Next was a walk along the 'Tabb's Head track' which eventually runs along to the mouth of the River Witham. In fact I didn't have to walk far before my target bird, a reported Barred Warbler was located. Several birders and photographers had their eyes and cameras firmly on a bird perched atop a hawthorn bush. Unfortunately as I approached said bird decided to do what these birds are notorious for and go a skulking! The usual happened next, happy photographers showing off their superb images. Anyway I managed a couple of half decent views after an hours vigil, well, one from deep within another hawthorn and the best one when the bird appeared in the open but all too briefly, time to move on!

Obliging but slightly distant Whinchat
A stroll along the sea-bank next with ♀Marsh Harrier and a rather sick looking Brent Goose, poor thing. The walk back along the wet grassland trail had a nice and obliging Whinchat, the Glossy Ibis was still in it's usual spot, (2) Spotted Redshank and a second look at the Pectoral Sandpiper, which was nestled among (8) Curlew Sandpipers.

Little Stint
Lunch in the 360 Hide gave up my one and only eclipse Garganey of the day, (2) Pochard and various numbers of Wigeon, Shelduck, Little Egret, Little Grebe, Teal, Gadwall and Northern Shoveler. Other notable's seen during my stay included House Martin, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Reed Warbler, Redshank, Curlew and Peregrine ended a top days birding.