Lots of Yellow Wagtails Sunday |
Another opportunity for a weekend on the canal and for this particular outing we chose to moor next to the old LNER railway bridge just after Bridge 101 Grand Union.
When I cruised back to our home mooring and few weeks ago the combines were out in force raking in the grain crops and over the weekend it was clear to see that now the job is almost done. With the majority of fields cut the birding is made a lot easier and the cruise up on the Friday evening produced of note: Hare, Roe Deer, Corn Bunting, Yellowhammer, Linnet, Red-legged Partridge, Yellow Wagtail, at least 10 Kestrel and a large flock of House Sparrows as we passed Flecknoe Fields Farm. I'm getting Closer! |
Saturday's weather wasn't as bad as anticipated and although it remained overcast for most of the day it stayed dry with some late evening sunshine. We enjoyed an evening BBQ during which time we watched the full moon rising to the south and despite the moons presence still managed several of the brighter Perseid Meteors. Little Owl and Barn Owl and a small number of Pipistrelle Bats further entertained us, plus many strange sounds of creatures lurking in the bushes behind kept us guessing.
1950's Vampire Jet Trainer |
Finally, the cruise home later this evening was spent watching other flying objects as we were treated to our very own flying display, when the Coventry Airbase 1950'2 Vampire Jet Trainer performed a number a acrobatic turns and summersaults right over our heads!