Saturday, November 17, 2012

Mad Dash!

A half decent shot of the ♀Smew - Now on day 13 of her visit!
I was planning a later than normal visit to Brandon Marsh this morning until a phone call from JR had me in a mad dash. The urgency was due to a small Wader on East Marsh Pool, difficult to identify in the morning gloom.

On arrival a quick burst down to Big Hide and I was on it soon after. However, not before I had the good fortune to connect with a Chiffchaff on the way through. I knew what the guys were thinking, a possible Little Stint and the bird did show signs but once the gloom lifted a Dunlin, made definite as the bird called as it headed off towards Teal Pool.

Also on East Marsh Pool a lone Golden Plover was in among the Lapwings and also of note 15 Snipe, 2 ♂Goldeneye and 3 Kingfisher which flew past one after the other. Carlton Hide held various numbers of Fieldfare, Redwing and Blackbird plus 2♂3♀Bullfinch, Willow Tit and Water Rail heard. JR reported a Peregrine showing well on East Marsh later in the morning but sadly I was down at the screen and missed out.

Also of Note: Sparrowhawk (1), Kestrel (1), Cetti's Warbler (2 heard), Goldcrest (4), Siskin (40+ flock), Lesser Redpoll (5), Green Woodpecker (1), GS Woodpecker (1), Pied Wagtail (1), Treecreeper (1), Coal Tit (1), Jay (3)