Where Was The Rain?

A break from boat painting today due to the forecast and an enjoyable day in the field. Firstly a stop off at Draycote Water, where I caught up with Richard and Dave and then on to Brandon Marsh for the remainder of the morning and afternoon. Despite another woeful attempt at weather forecasting by the met-office, there was in fact very little rain at all, and indeed some nice periods of sunshine!

Common Tern at rest - Draycote Water
Draycote had  at least ten Black Terns, mostly way off towards Lin Croft point from my vantage point, six Common Terns and a lone Little-ringed Plover.

Juvenile Redshank Teal Pool 
I arrived at Brandon Marsh around 10.30hrs and decided to head straight off to the hides, in anticipation of the rain! At Teal Pool Hide a decent count of seven Green Sandpipers, along with the above juvenile Redshank! I bird which I believe seems to be causing a few miss ID issues, particularly over recent weeks.

Lone Snipe seen earlier on East Marsh, then showing well from the Ted Jury Hide
After completing a tour of all the hides recording of note: Common Sandpiper, Snipe, Hobby, Little Grebe and Water Rail I headed off for a tour of the remainder of the reserve.

Small Copper at Brandon Marsh today
A good number of butterflies on the wing at various times and these included of note (3) Small Copper, (10) Common Blue and my first Brown Argus of the year. Dragonflies included Brown Hawker, Southern Hawker and Common Darter. Worth mentioning too the six juvenile Mistle Thrush,which were in the field opposite the main Brandon entrance as I departed.

One of several juvenile Yellow Wagtails on the pontoons during the evening roost.!
Closer to home the marina has been my main source of recording over the previous few weeks, with several juvenile Yellow Wagtails joining the Pied Wagtail roost each evening, a brace of Common Sandpiper, Red Kite over and both Barn Owl and Tawny Owl have also been noted.

Painted Lady - One of a trio at the marina on the 6th
An excellent find of (3) Painted Lady's on the doggie walking meadow, along with (2) Essex Skipper on the 6th and while barbecuing on Saturday evening a Humming-bird Hawk-moth was the main attraction, along with Pippistrelle Bats, the International Space Station and the odd early Perseid meteor later in the evening. Or was that the wine!!