Diary Update #53

Things have been pretty hectic of late, hence the lack of posts but hopefully I can start to catch up on things over the coming weeks.

Bearded Reedling - RSPB Titchwell
A quick mention, although I wont do this exceptional visit justice, was Monday's Brandon Marsh Away-Day with the volunteers. An unusually early start, leaving Brandon at 4am to arrive at RSPB Snettisham for one of the highest tides of the year. The highlights were of course the spectacle of Snettisham, including at least three Peregrine attacks on the flocks but for me a group of at least twenty Bearded Reedlings at RSPB Titchwell later in the afternoon stole the day. All the usual waders were recorded and a sea-watch during lunch at Titchwell beach disappointingly only produced a few Sandwich Terns and Gannet, this likely due to the light winds and calm conditions. The final noteworthy for me was at Wells Woods, where I managed, although briefly, a Yellow-browed Warbler.

Bearded Reedling
An early start tomorrow to catch my flight to Malaga, Spain, where during the next week I hope to be catching up with the raptor migration in the Straights of Gibraltar and visiting some of my favourite sites.