⛅ Sunday 9th July 2017 ~ A nice cruise back to our home mooring on Sunday evening after an enjoyable stay out on the canal.
Grass Snake ~ Amazing swimmers! |
On the cruise home Dee managed a nice photo of a
Grass Snake swimming alongside the boat.
⛅ Monday 10th July 2017 ~ I decided on a visit to Brandon Marsh today, arriving a little after 10:30am. As per usual these days I spend little time in the hides, preferring to tour the woods and meadows, which are less disrupted!! Despite the overcast conditions there was still plenty on offer and after passing through Horsetail Glade, where I encountered a family of
Great Spotted Woodpeckers, I took time out at the bench. Scanning the surrounding vegetation I was a little surprised to find a
White-letter Hairstreak, not in the best condition I might add but a species I've not encountered in this area before.
White-letter Hairstreak opposite the Horsetail Bench! |
From here a walk to the Ted Jury hide with stops at East Marsh and Teal Pool hides along the way. As predicted nothing too much of note, four
Common Terns and two recently fledged
Little-ringed Plover the best on offer!
Juvenile Grey Wagtail |
On route across to the 'Tip' area a juvenile
Grey Wagtail along Goose Tail posed kindly for a few photos. The 'Tip' had plenty to offer with at least four
Six-spot Burnet moths, a trio of
Mint Moths and my first Brandon
Gatekeepers, baring in mind I haven't visited for a few weeks!
Six-spot Burnet moth |
I bypassed River Meadow on this occasion (too breezy), instead continuing on around the farm area and top reedbeds. Still plenty of
Marbled White butterflies, enjoying a bumper year it would seem but yet again not a single
Common Blue, sadly the other end of the spectrum!!
One of a trio of Mint Moths |
Gatekeeper |
Sneaky peek at a young Dunnock |