πŸ“– #22/2019 ~ Brandon Whinchat

☁️10C Friday 3rd May 2019 ~ A few hours at Brandon Marsh mid-morning heading straight down to East Marsh Hide for a few hours vigil produced the usual selection of Waders, Warblers and Hirundines. The Drake Garganey which arrived on Wednesday was still present and seemed fairly content feeding throughout my stay. A female Cuckoo was heard bubbling close by followed by another bird seen in flight over towards New Hare Covert.

However, after coffee in the Nature Centre with Dave Cox, a surprise new addition to my summer list was a stunning male Whinchat which was sitting on the fence as I was packing away my gear. Although the bird was unusually flighty I did manage a couple of record shots on the Canon SX50.

A couple of record shots (only the Canon SX50 with me today) of the male Whinchat on the carpark bank.