πŸ“– Brandon Marsh ~ 'Tip' and River Meadow

⛅️16C Tuesday 4th June 2019 Wind SSE @ 6mph ~ After a short break from social media and a revamp of my blog it was back to some normality at Brandon Marsh today. I arrived mid-morning for a few hours to enjoy what little sunshine there was before the forecasted rain set in later.

Firstly though a massive congratulations to the Brandon Marsh Voluntary Conservation Team for winning the coveted Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2019 in recognition of our dedicated efforts at Brandon Marsh over the past 50 plus years! 

I spent my time around the 'Tip' area and along the bank at River Meadow.

Wood White ~ A recently discovered new species for Brandon!
Despite the cooler conditions, there was still plenty on offer with butterflies the main attraction, including one of the recently discovered Wood Whites, which I noted alongside my first Bee-Orchid of the year. Plenty of Common Blues to be found, along with the odd Small HeathBrown Argus, Small Copper, Holly Blue and Small Tortoishell.

Mayfly ~ There are 51 species of mayfly known from the British Isles today and they range in size from less than 5mm to over 20mm
Burnet Companion ~ A very attractive dayflying Moth
Along the river bank, there was plenty of Banded Demoiselle, plus the odd Mayfly and the meadow itself produced double-figure Chimney Sweeper moths and a few Burnet Companions. The only Dragonfly of the day was a ♀Black-tailed Skimmer.

A very pristine looking Small Tortoishell
Birding wasn't the priority today but at least four Garden Warblers during my walk was a good count and worth a mention. The most bizarre moment to report was the distinct call of a Peacock, which I heard twice towards the back of Old Hare Covert. I did a little investigation but couldn't find the bird, which I suspect must have been within the Barley crops on the other side of the fence! Quite a surreal moment so keep your eyes peeled if your heading that way.

Images of the Day...

♀Black-tailed Skimmer

Small Copper

Holly Blue
