πŸ“– Comfort Birding ☁️ 1C ~ Wind ↖SSE@ 23mph ~ 13/02/21

🌊 High Tide ~ N/A ~ ☀️ Sunrise 7:43am Sunset 5:05pm ~ Day Lenth 9:22:47

With the snow still laying and although the local authorities are doing an amazing job of keeping the pavements and roads bearable I decided on a day indoors reading, blogging and occasionally just concentrating on the local bird movements. With excellent views across to the mountains and lots of skies to observe, not to mention the garden and all from the comforts of home what's not to like!

Herring Gull touching down in the garden

It was noticeable that there were smaller movements of both Pink-footed and Greylag Geese today and just a single raptor seen when a Buzzard passed through being mobbed by Corvids. The usual selection of Common Gulls and Herring Gulls spent the day marauding and even on occasions dropping down to investigate.

Goldcrest ~ A regular to the feeders sneaking in under the radar

The feeders were busy with mostly Starlings and House Sparrows, although the odd Chaffinch drops down occasionally I don't seem to attract finches. This despite having nyger seed, mixed seed including sunflower, black sunflower and also peanuts. There's plenty spread over the ground too for the Dunnocks and Robins. Coal Tits are the most frequent tit to visit, along with Blue Tits, however, Great Tits are a rarity to the garden and I've only recorded Long-tailed Tits on one occasion. 

Chaffinch ~ An infrequent visitor to the garden

The high treetops over towards 'The Green' are always worth a look through the scope, a Hawfinch a few weeks ago was an excellent find and today Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Siskin, Bullfinch and Lesser Redpoll were all noted. However, the garden was where the action was today with my strategically placed apples enticing the whole of the most common Thrush species, which made for some interesting battles.

Mistle Thrush ~ Undoubtedly the keeper of the apples

This Song Thrush found it challenging to even get a look in

Fieldfares were in charge until the Mistle Thrush dropped in!

A Redwing patiently awaits his moment

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