📖 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 South of the Border ~ 17th/03/2023

 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Friday 17th March 2023 🌤 🌨️ 9C ~ S @ 8MPH ~ The second of two days in Norfolk and a morning visit to Cley Marshes before the rain came in the early afternoon.

Long-billed Dowitcher on Simmond's Scrape

After paying my dues at the Nature Centre I headed straight across to the hides overlooking Simmond's Scrape and Pat's Pool. On route, I was told about a Black Redstart which had just been seen in a nearby paddock and I spent about 15 minutes searching with no luck. Just prior to entering the hides there was a good deal of Bearded Tit activity but try as I might I was unable to obtain any snapshots.

Long-billed Dowitcher from Daukes Hide

Almost immediately from the Daukes Hide, I noticed a wader fly up from cover to aggressively move on two Black-tailed Godwits that had just dropped in. I was happy when things settled down to note that it was the Long-billed Dowitcher, which has been on site now for some weeks. The bird gave some ridiculously close views and spent the whole hour or so I was in the hide feeding well.

Water Pipit briefly on Simmond's Scrape

While here a number of Ruff on the scrapes, along with Dunlin, Avocet, Snipe, Turnstone, Ruff, Redshank, more Black-tailed Godwits and a single Curlew, plus the bonus of a Water Pipit which flew in briefly before heading off. I wasn't surprised to see a few more Red Kites, along with Marsh Harrier and when I moved around to Bishop's Hide, three Spoonbills

Drake Pintail at Cley

The usual wildfowl around the pools includes a few Pintail and the surrounding marshland held Brent and Greylag Geese. Despite the deteriorating weather, I took the short drive over to Kelling Heath but frankly I was being extremely optimistic in the hope of seeing any Dartford Warblers. That said singing Woodlarks, even in the now persistent rain was worth the effort and the soaking. An enjoyable and nostalgic few days!

A Few More Images of the Day...

Spoonbill ~ When you gotta scratch you scratch!

Ruff on Pat's Pool Cley

Long-billed Dowitcher