📖 Scotland🍂Pallas's Warbler -Rattray 15/10/24

Thursday 15th October 2024 🌤️17C ~ SE @ 6MPH ~ After heavy overnight rain & beautiful clear skies this morning there was always a chance that something good had dropped in along the coast and thankfully it had! A Pallas's Leaf Warbler at Rattray Lighthouse Cottages, found in the early morning by Andy Carroll.

Rattray Head Lighthouse & the now derelict cottages. 

After hearing the news, I decided to drive over. The area, which I regard as part of my 'extended patch', is about a 55-minute drive and a place where I frequently go birding. Due to the flooded tracks, I opted to park near the ruins of St. Mary's Chapel and walk down. 

Whopper Swans - Recent arrivals from Iceland.

I genuinely prefer walking anyway because you can see so much more. As soon as I started, I was welcomed by the clamor of hundreds of Whooper Swans and the cries of thousands of Pink-footed Geese, resounding through the sky and across the adjacent fields, an awe-inspiring spectacle. Close to the curve near Old Rattray Cottage, I spotted about thirty Tree Sparrows. As I walked toward the Lighthouse Cottages, I noticed a Corn Bunting and a few Reed Buntings perched on the wires. Further out in the fields, there were more Pink-footed Geese, as well as Skylarks, Linnets and a huge flock of Starlings.

Lesser Whitethroat - In Firs just outside the gate.

Two other birders drove by on their way out; one of them was Andy the finder, who mentioned that there had been no further sightings of the Pallas's in the last hour. Upon my arrival at the cottages, I was welcomed by the sight of a nice Lesser Whitethroat among the firs, and soon noticed several Goldcrests darting about. The heavy rain from the previous night had clearly grounded some birds.

Pallas's Leaf Warbler - My best shot of the day!

In an hour, I had noted two Chiffchaffs, one possibly a Siberian, a Willow Warbler, two Tree Sparrows, and a number of Goldcrests in the double digits. I opted for a walk around the perimeter fences, during which a male Stonechat momentarily perched on the fence. On my return to the cottages, I spotted some movement at the foot of some sycamores - it turned out to be the elusive Pallas's Leaf Warbler! I quickly took some photographs and then alerted the two other birders on site. After another half hour of watching the bird I headed home. *There are also two Cattle Egrets at Strathbeg, but I didn't have the time to visit. If they remain, I'll try and get over early next week.