Home Turf

Local Yellowhammer (Library Image)
Because of my recent accident I've spent more time birding at the marina than ever before and have ended up wondering why I don't spend a lot more time here!

Over the past few weeks I've increased the size of my bird feeding area and have spent a lot of time experimenting with different seeds and fruits. The results have been very interesting and I've also managed to encourage one of the local Ravens to pay the odd visit, feeding on the leftover grain I've been giving to the marina wildfowl.

It's just great to see the Mallards, Coots and Moorhens taking advantage of the windfall and for the first time today a couple of Yellowhammer paid a visit to the seed trays. At one time a ♀Sparrowhawk scattered the Goldfinch, Blue and Great Tits making off with one, not sure which, being mobbed as it flew by the local Corvids.

My list of visitors is already quite impressive with in addition to the above: Pied Wagtail, Long-tailed Tit, Fieldfare, Starling, Dunnock, Robin, Tree Sparrow, House Sparrow, Reed Bunting, Greenfinch, and Chaffinch. I'm now in the process of trying to attract any passing Waxwings with a temptation of dangling fruits, we live in hope!!

Finally, some better news tonight with my camera wheeling it's way back to me from repair. Delighted but a little lighter in the pocket.