More Firsts!

Not the best picture of a ♀Wheatear you'l ever see (it's in there somewhere) but amazingly it's my first at Brandon Marsh this year. In fact there were three in total today with two on the Farm Field early doors and one on East Marsh Pool, first seen on top of the Sand Martin Structure.

Record Shot of a Brandon ♀Wheatear
Also on Farm Field was a wily Fox stalking along the bund and probably the same Grasshopper Warbler I'd heard on Tuesday morning reeling away at the top end. A Cuckoo was also perched for a short while calling before moving off towards the nature centre. My second Brandon 2013 first of the day were (2) Swift over East Marsh Pool and in addition to the now established selection of Waders and Warblers: (1) Common Tern, (1) White Wagtail, (2) Yellow Wagtails, which paid a brief visit to Tern Island before I headed off with the work party.

A Wily Fox On The Prowl
My third Brandon 2013 first (missed the one earlier in the month) was while starting work near the golf course area, when (2) Whimbrel were over the reserve calling. Not sure if they actually dropped in but the last time I viewed them was over the golf course. Also of interest was a day flying Noctule Bat over New Hare Covert and the golf course, possible the same one Bob Lee and I saw last week over Newlands Reedbed!