Local Stuff

After finally resolving some frustrating on-board power issues I needed to clear my head and so a spot of fresh air at Napton Reservoir in the late afternoon was called for! The vegetation which surrounds the small pool next to the car park was teaming with activity and so a good place to start.

Small White at Napton
Despite the overcast conditions it was humid and bright and butterflies included: Marbled White, Small white, Green-veined White, Gatekeeper, Ringlet, Small Skipper, Meadow Brown, Large Skipper and Common, Azure and Blue-tailed Damselfly, plus a host of mating Soldier Beetles were also noted. The only Dragonfly of the visit was a single Black-tailed Skimmer.

Marbled White in good numbers!
The main reservoir was devoid of any fisherman for a change and here at least two families of Great-crested Grebe, with two and three young respectively. As per usual the Coot population has increased somewhat and other birds of note during my stay were a couple of Raven overhead, single Kestrel and the Swifts are definitely on the move out with a constant passage south.

One of the many Juvenile and adult Pied Wagtails around the marina this evening.
This evening a lovely sunset and Moon-rise at the marina with goodness knows how many Pied Wagtails in the roost, there were at least 25 birds on the pontoon opposite alone. A walk around the grounds at dusk failed to yield a Barn Owl which has been very busy lately but I did manage my first Pipistrelle and Daubenton's Bats at the marina this year.