Diary Update #34

A later start at Brandon Marsh, once again in the rain but my timing was perfect. As I approached East Marsh Hide a Cuckoo flew through and a Red Kite was circling overhead the pools in among a group of mixed Gulls. Managed a few record shots of the Kite before the bird drifted off towards Coventry airport.

Record shot of Red Kite over East Marsh Pool
A single drake Wigeon on East Marsh Pool was a late record and the Black-tailed Godwit was in his usual position, asleep on Willow Island. A walk along to the Ted Jury Hide produced two Raven and a Common Sandpiper, which immediately departed after I managed a few snaps, a Cuckoo was calling off towards the golf course during my stay.

Common Sandpiper at Ted Jury Hide
A stop off at Carlton hide on route back produced two Common Sandpipers, likely the one at Ted Jury Hide plus an addition.

The briefest glimpse of Lesser Whitethroat near 'Olive Bench'
Tracking back to the centre I decided to walk back past Wright Hide and 'Olive Bench' as the sun was breaking through and here managed to locate a reported Lesser Whitethroat, which was singing well and offered the smallest opportunity of a record shot! Also of note the now established Warblers, Waders and Hirundines including (2) Little-ringed Plover and a Little Egret on Teal Pool