Diary Update #32

Nothing to add to the year list at Brandon Marsh today but a Marsh Tit on the 'Tip' area and at least six Sedge Warblers singing around the reedbeds. While working briefly on Alban's reedbed mid morning a Reed Warbler was also noted in song.

Another exceptional year so far for Blackcap
On the pools a ♀Goosander dropped in for a short while but I was elsewhere on the reserve and missed this one! No sign of the long staying Pintail pair but the Black-tailed Godwit remains. Another Dunlin today (different bird to Tuesdays) and a single Ringed Plover on East Marsh Pool was remarkably a Brandon year first for me, this along with two Little-ringed Plovers. Also of note (5) Redshank, (2) Snipe and (5) Oystercatcher.

Another obliging Blackcap
The Brandon website reports Cuckoo and Whinchat for Wednesday but neither were seen by any of the Brandon Team today. Lots of Blackcap, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff to be found and in the late afternoon a walk around the River Meadow produced a number of butterflies on the wing and these included: (2) Brimstone (3) Small Tortoiseshell, (3) Peacock and my first Small White of the year!