Diary Update #5 - Birding Spain

An altogether better start to the day weatherwise, with the low cloud and rain gone and the sun breaking through things look a little more promising!

A better start to the day!
My morning walk had the usual suspects and this included some half decent views of Golden Oriole. The Nightingales are still very vocal and the Nuthatch's have also been going well, probably saving it up from yesterday! Further down the track a Western Bonelli's Warbler was very accommodating, in fact within feet of where I was standing and singing well too.

Western Bonelli's Warbler in full throw!
Other species of note this morning included: Firecrest, Crested Tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Serin, Blackcap and a White Wagtail on the patio!

Western Bonelli's Warbler