Diary Update #20

⛅ Monday 3rd April 2017 ~ With our guests now departed Dee and I enjoyed an afternoon stroll around Gibraltar Point. This particular site has never quite yielded for me during other visits and this one was no exception. The beach area and sea we're also exceptionally quiet with little movement.

One of eight Corn Buntings at Gibraltar Point
That said a very enjoyable walk in the warm sunshine and and an even more interesting one around the Pleasure Beach in Skegness. I'd forgotten it was half-term in this neck of the woods! From a birding perspective the highlight had to be a group of eight Corn Buntings around the new Nature Centre.

⛅ ☔ Tuesday 4th April 2017 ~ Headed for home today after the long birthday weekend in Lincolnshire, stopping off at RSPB Frampton Marsh on route. The visit started off well enough weather wise but a sudden downturn mid afternoon with heavy rain cut the visit short. Frankly I was ready to go with the weekend celebrations catching up with me fast!

Not my best ever photo of ~ Spotted Redshank!
The birding we did manage produced a few winter late stayers with a half dozen Whooper Swans, single Pink-footed Goose and it was surprising to see so many Brent Geese still here, with several large flocks. Waders included the usual selection found here, notables being: Spotted Redshank, Grey Plover and a couple of summer plumage Golden Plover!

Red Kite over the marina today appeared to have a damaged right wing!
⛅ Wednesday 5th April 2017 ~ With my back causing a few issues currently a steady walk around Napton Reservoir late afternoon. A real influx of Swallows here with eleven chattering away over the water, which incidentally remains extremely high! A couple of Grey Wagtail along what little of the bank is still showing and the surrounding treeline produced Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff and Blackcap. A Small Tortoiseshell butterfly was brave enough to attempt a short flight in the chilly breeze. As I arrived back at the marina a Red Kite drifted over from Napton Hill, directly over the office, then heading off towards Napton reservoir.