Diary Update #24

⛅ Thursday 13th April 2017 A text message from Jim Rushforth at Brandon Marsh with news of a Grasshopper Warbler near the golf course first thing! It had me tempted but with a little further packing to complete before this afternoons flight to Spain I gave it a miss!

Common Redstart ~ Napton Reservoir
However, a few hours at Napton Reservoir later in the morning produced at least ten House Martins among the many Hirundines over the water before the cloud dissipated. At the top end of the reeds a year-first✅   Reed Warbler for me chattering away and a very loud Cetti's Warbler! No sight nor sound of the recent Lesser Whitethroat and indeed no sign of Tuesdays Redstart along the fencing, but I did locate probably the same bird in the horse field thru' the 2nd gate. Look towards the right hand end near the single stable if your visiting! Spain here I come ✈️