πŸ“– Summer Leys & Napton Hill

⛅️18C Monday 12th August 2019 ~With a small lens issue to resolve, I had to pop over to Skears Photographic in Northampton this morning. Thankfully, my problem was solved pretty quickly and this gave me an excellent opportunity to pay a short visit to the nearby Summer Leys Nature Reserve just a short drive away.

Great Egret showing exceptionally well from the Pioneer Hide
Although things were generally quiet around the pools and wader scrape a Great White Egret was showing exceptionally well from the Pioneer Hide. Only other birds of note during my brief visit were a Common TernRinged Plover and Little Egret.

An obliging Spotted Flycatcher at Napton
Back on the local patch in the afternoon, I had a stroll around Napton Hill to see if I could connect with a reported Common Redstart. The Hill is a good place to see Redstarts and Spotted Flycatchers in the mid to late summer and it was good to catch up with probably the same four Flycatchers I'd photographed ten days ago.

One of four Spotted Flycatcher at Napton Hill today
These birds are remarkably obliging and were happy to just let me sit close by photographing them while they went about their business.

Common Redstart keeping her distance
However, the Common Redstart was a little less showy and only came close enough for me to take a number of records shots.

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Brown Hawker at Summer Leys NR
Antonov An~12BP Ukraine Air Alliance out of Birmingham gains height over Napton Hill

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