Back with a Bump!

Napton Windmill
After yesterdays excellent and unexpected birding afternoon at West Kirby an early morning look locally at Napton Hill for migrants drew a blank, with the exception of two juvenile Spotted Flycatcher seen around the church yard.

The usual Raven was cronking away when I arrived and the large Pine Tree to the left of the church grounds entrance produced several Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler and a single Goldcrest. The walk down from the windmill to the quarry was interrupted when I went arse over tit in the mud, fortunately no one was around to witness the phenomenon, in fact I don't really know why I'm mentioning it, if I hadn't you would never have known! Other species of interest around the 'Hill' were Mistle Thrush, Bullfinch, Whitethroat, Buzzard, Nuthatch and when I passed the church back to the car House Martins and Swallows were in good numbers.

A business trip into London in the early afternoon reminded me of how lucky I am to be living where I do. Firstly my 11.29 train was cancelled, the next one was then running 55-minutes late and then I finally had to abandon going directly to Marylebone and ended up going via Reading, which was a trauma in itself. Packed with families who had to scramble for the few remaining seats, loud business types booming into their phones, and adolescence being texted every 2 minutes, some with the weirdest ringtones! Thank god this 'grumpy old man' is back aboard now, even though it's pouring down outside and the wind is getting up, lovely.