Sunday Post

If I'd have checked my twitter updates first thing this morning like I usually do I most likely would have diverted to Daventry Country Park for the reported Wood Warbler. As it happens I didn't and instead enjoyed my usual Sunday visit to Brandon Marsh.

Sedge Warblers becoming a little more photogenic
My only new bird of the year was Garden Warbler but it was a very satisfying visit with lots on offer. The Garden Warbler was singing and showing occasionally just prior to emerging from New Hare Covert near the golf course. Quite possibly the same bird Keith Barnsley had tweeted yesterday. Chiffchaff, Common Whitethroat and Willow Warblers were all recorded and the Grasshopper Warbler, which has been reeling on and off for the last 10 days, was still at 'Olive Bench' and showing well on occasions. While there a Cuckoo, one of two today, flew across 'Alban's Reedbed' and both Reed Warbler & Sedge Warbler were singing well.

Redshank -East Marsh from last Tuesday's visit!
On East Marsh Pool lots of Sand Martin, several Swallow, single House Martin, a summer plumage Dunlin, brace of Ringed Plover and four Little-ringed Plover. I managed two of the six Common Sandpiper on site today, plus three Common Tern, six Redshank and four Oystercatcher. A tour of the remainder of the reserve yielded two Goldcrest, two Mistle Thrush, Linnet and Skylark around the 'Farm Field' and also recorded a brace of Cetti's Warbler.