Weekend Update!

A steady flow of spring migrants continue to feed into the county and a visit to Napton Reservoir on Friday morning before moving on to Brandon Marsh produced my first Lesser Whitethroat of the year! The Tree Pipit I'd managed to get a record shot of on Thursday evening was still on site and four Yellow Wagtail were being constantly displaced by the strimming and grass cutting that was taking place. Also of note an influx of around twenty or so House Martin were actually my first of the year.

Record shot of Tree Pipit at Napton Reservoir
No additions to my Brandon Marsh year list during my Friday morning visit. However, during today's regular Sunday visit a Lesser Whitethroat singing near Sheep-Field gate was an early record for Brandon. Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler, and Common Whitethroat were all noted around the reserve, along with the now established Willow Warbler, Blackcap and Chiffchaff. On the pools single Green and Common Sandpiper, (4) Little-ringed Plover, (4) Redshank, (4) Oystercatcher, single Common Gull and (2) Shelduck.

Tawny Owl was a nice treat! Thanks to KS for the heads up!
On my travels some nice views of a Tawny Owl today and after an afternoon snooze I spent an hour or so at Draycote Water, while her indoors settled down to the Grand Prix. Three Little Gulls, Yellow Wagtail and a fly-by Ringed Plover were my reward. Thankfully the dreaded black flies were nowhere to be found!