Diary Entry #3

Any Gull fanatics would have been in their element this morning at Napton Reservoir with 100s to choice from. I did scan for a short while before my patience ran out and didn't manage to come up with anything unusual, at least I think I didn't, gulls are not my forte!

Napton Reservoir - A haven for Gulls this morning.
Plenty of Tufted Duck, along with a brace of drake Pochard, single ♀Goldeneye and a pair of Shoveler, these the only waterfowl of note, a single Snipe flew through the reedbed.

Lesser Redpoll - On among the flock of circa 50
Brandon Marsh next and as I turned off Brandon Lane a couple of Raven passed over the top reedbed. I arrived into the Baldwin Hide just in time to see a drake Goosander depart. The chap next to me mentioned it had been around for the last hour. A dozen Wigeon, two drake Goldeneye and a single female were the only other waterfowl of note among the usual selection. A huge mixed flock of Siskin/Redpoll were feeding in the alder at the end of the River Pool path. Some stonking birds among them, although the above photo doesn't do them justice! While here a Willow Tit was calling and showing from time to time.

Jay - Finally snapped him after some fun and games!
At East Marsh Hide a Water Rail made a dart across the open space in front and from my position a Peregrine was perched up in the owl box tree over on Alban's Reedbed (formerly Newlands). Naturally by the time I reached the Ted Jury Hide for a photo, the bird had moved on. Not far I suspect with several eruptions from East Marsh Pool during my stay! Little else of note, including at Carlton Hide and so I made my way around to Horsetail Glade, where I enjoyed playing hide and seek with a cheeky Jay. Got him in the end though! My love of Jay's probably goes back to my childhood, when I nursed an injured bird back to health over several weeks locked away in my bedroom, much to mums disgust. Both Nuthatch and Treecreeper in Horsetail before I moved on.

Redwing - The last remaining berries!
Finally a walk around the Farm Field and Top Reedbed and here many Fieldfare and Redwing. Mostly in the leaf litter, having almost depleted the berry stocks around the reserve.