RSPB Frampton Marsh

With Dee and I spending the rest of the year in our rented cottage in Lincolnshire its a perfect opportunity to spend a few days birding before our friends arrive for our New Year celebrations!

RSPB Frampton Marsh is one of our favourite reserves and today the weather was just perfect. Unlike my last visit, when the water levels were extremely low, today was completely the opposite and indeed the shear amount of birds across the reserve was astonishing. Brent Geese were well supported along with Pink-footed Geese and 1000s of Wigeon along with Teal and smaller counts of Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Pintail, Shoveler & Shelduck. A first winter drake Scaup could easily be observed, mostly asleep, from the Reedbed Hide.

Waders were well represented too with a large number of Ruff, Lapwings in the 1000s and Dunlin, Curlew, (2) Spotted Redshank, Little Egret and Avocet also recorded. Strangely, not a single Golden Plover to be found! Our first attempt to locate a Grey Phalarope on the flood marsh proved fruitless but thankfully a drive down to the sea-wall before departing late afternoon was a success, thanks to a group of Yorkshire birders. Some distant views of a Peregrine enjoying it's prey and along the sea-bank both Marsh Harrier and 'Ringtail' Hen Harrier before more views of the Peregrine, this time in flight.

Other highlights included Corn Bunting along the Reedbed Trail and some stunning views of a Merlin hunting from the Visitor Centre, this while enjoying a well earned cuppa!