πŸ“– Diary Update #47

πŸ’¨ ⛅21C Sunday 20th August 2017 ~ A similar day to yesterday, although the breeze a little less noticeable, but I do seem to have the uncanny knack of only visiting Frampton Marsh when it's breezy!

Avocet ~ Seems like a good breeding season at Frampton
We began today's visit with a walk up to the sea-wall, stopping off at various points to look across the pools and scrapes. Four Spoonbills asleep in the distance and lots of Avocet, plus like Titchwell yesterday several Ruff in various plumages! Dee picked out a Wood Sandpiper and as we stood watching with decent scoped views at least ten Yellow Wagtails could be seen feeding in the grass.

Over 30 Yellow Wagtails at least today!
We paused for a while at the benches after reaching the sea-wall and here a distant Marsh Harrier. However, a small raptor took the eye low over the salt marsh and this turned out to be a year-first tick with a Merlin, which dropped abruptly to the ground and out of sight.

Greenshank ~ At least five today!
A look back across the wet marsh with mostly similar species to Titchwell yesterday, with the exception of a single Whimbrel, which flew in calling and at least three Spotted Redshanks! Five Greenshanks and a single Snipe were other notables while on the sea-bank, along with a solitary Swift overhead. Just prior to moving down from the wall a huge eruption turned out to be a female Sparrowhawk, which left empty handed.

One of two Whinchat today!
Bypassing the East Hide we continued on along the reed bed trail stopping several times to check through the many waders, which appeared to be sheltering at this side of the reserve from the increasing wind. We managed to pick out a Little Stint, in amongst the many Dunlin, plus a single Golden Plover but sadly dipped on any Curlew Sandpipers that may have been around. Just before the turn along to the '360' hide one of two Wheatears today, along with two Whinchats. While here the calls of Bearded Tits, but similar to yesterday, they remained illusive!