πŸ“– Diary Update #41

17C Monday 7th August 2017 ~ Stayed on the local patch today, beginning at Napton-on-the-Hill and then a good trawl of the marina grounds later in the afternoon.

One of eleven Spotted Flycatchers on the patch today!
I checked the usual hotspots at Napton and was amazed to come across eleven Spotted Flycatchers in total! I'm certain of two families but purely down to the distance of each group I wouldn't be surprised if there were actually three.

Common Buzzard ~ One of the local birds
Quite a bit of Buzzard activity with youngsters circling overhead calling constantly, but unusually no sign of any local Ravens today. During my walk a good passage of Swifts overhead, already on their way back south and who can blame them, what a pants summer!

A large oak tree yielded a very vocal Nuthatch and at least two Green Woodpeckers were active. Common Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff of note around the church grounds before I headed off to the post office for coffee and cake!

House Martin during the feeding frenzy!
Fully refreshed what greeted me back at the marina was a hive of birding activity! Firstly, I noticed at least 100+ House Martins along the phone wires and in the treeline. Then, as I continued my walk along the west bank it appeared that an insect irruption had brought in various numbers of Long-tailed Tits, Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs and had even drawn out the Reed Warblers!

Long-tailed Tit enjoying the bugfest
The local House Sparrows were also having a field day and even a half dozen Pied Wagtails were in on the act!

One of a number of Willow Warbler

Later in the evening a Barn Owl, now frequently being seen around the grounds was active once more and the local Tawny Owls are occasionally beginning to call.