Day 3 - Kejimkujik National Park Seaside

A stunning start to the day at Rissers Beach and almost the first bird was an Osprey, which drifted in from the ocean before disappearing over the pine trees. A quick scan of the sea located more Eider Duck and Black Scoter before a pre breakfast stroll around the wooded areas.

Gorgeous Magnolia Warbler
The place was literally a cacophony of song, some familiar, some not and although I knew plenty of birds were around, finding them was proving difficult. The first was a gorgeous Blue Throated-Green Warbler singing high up in the pine, a Black-capped Chickadee was also feeding quite close, friendly little characters these. A Magnolia Warbler was calling not too far away and after a painstaking 20-minutes or so I manged a few half decent images. Suddenly realising I'd been gone almost an hour I headed back but not before recording: Song Sparrow, American Robin, Blue-jay and Northern Flicker.

Spruce Grouse
This afternoons destination was the Kejimkujik National Park Seaside, but not before a number of stops on route, which produced several Yellow Warblers, Belted Kingfisher and Blue-headed Vireo. We decided to check in to our next overnight spot, Fisherman's Cove RV Campground and have lunch prior to walking Kejimkujik.

Alder/Least Flycatcher? Still Researching!
The 22 square kilometer Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct was added to the Kejimkujik National Park in 1988. Located about 25 kilometers southwest of Liverpool and 100 kilometers from the inland portion of the park, it is one of the least disturbed shoreline areas on the south coast of Nova Scotia and is also a major breeding ground for the Piping Plover.

Record Shot - American Redstart
Dee and I decided to take the 6.2 Km trail which eventually leads down to the shore but before we even got started on our walk a nice ♀American Redstart and Spruce Grouse in the parking area. A cloudless sky and temperatures in the late twenties produced lots of Butterflies mostly small blue in colour and I'll research these later. Dee the bug, mammal and snake finder came up trumps with Maritime Garter Snake, Red Squirrel and Tiger Beetle.

Tiger Beetle
Birds of note leading down to the shore included a Flycatcher Sp. either Alder or Least, ♀Northern Harrier, Common Yellowthroat, and several Yellow Warbler. A stunning shoreline resembled something from the Caribbean with white sands, blue sea and many rocky outcrops. Here the Grey and Harbour Seals were plentiful along with Willet, Savannah Sparrow and the now regular Eider Ducks, a lone Harlequin Duck was also recorded.

On route back to the car park our first Bald Eagle of the trip came in off the ocean and a brief stop at one of the inlets while driving back to the RV Park held Spotted Sandpiper, Arctic Tern and (2) Green-winged Teal. Sadly due to restrictions while nesting we were unable to see the Piping Plover!

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