Sunday, June 09, 2013

Day 6 Eagles Pitch

As predicted the remnants of Tropical Storm Andrea hit hard and I can tell you I've rarely seen rain like it, the wind was no picnic either! With the storm set for the next 24hrs and no chance of any wildlife hikes Dee and I made the decision to head up towards Cape Breton in the torrential rain, an area we'll be spending our second week.

All Alone At Eagles Pitch - During a lull in the storm!
We made good time, unusually for us using the 101 main highway and after a little research came off at Windsor and headed for Eagles Pitch Eco Camping, the strangest campground we've yet encountered which actually incorporated an airstrip, but for $10 it was a bargain! And what's more, we had the place to ourselves.

Cedar Waxwing - Seems they like apple blossom.
The storm subsided for a while in the late evening and so Dee and I decided to take a stroll when the opportunity arose and astonishingly just as we stepped foot out of the RV a group of (8) Cedar Waxwing flew into the apple tree next to the rig. A unexpected delight and in fact the walk itself was quite productive when we came across a small colony of White-throated Sparrow, a bird that has the most beautiful song. (hear it here)

Gorgeous White-throated Sparrow
We walked along the grass airstrip, no chance of anything landing in this weather, and on around the perimeter of the wooded areas. In fact we did pretty well before heading back as the storm returned once more: Raven, Savannah Sparrow, Northern Flicker, Northern Parula, Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Red-eyed Vireo and Magnolia Warbler.

BUBO Listing