πŸ“– Weekly Review W/E 11/04/21

Another cold week dominated by a northerly airflow continues to be the theme up here in northeast Scotland. Frosty nights and chilly days with a constant barrage of snow showers is definitely keeping migration to a bare minimum but despite the conditions, the birds keep trickling through.

Despite the conditions, Sandwich Terns are getting through (these two at Girdleness on Friday)

Pre-breakfast visits to the local Dalmadilly Ponds, plus visits to Girdleness, Muir of Dinnet and the Ythan Estuary with Dazza over the weekend have been the highlights of my birding week. 

My 1st Osprey of the year over the Ythan Estuary this morning

There have been a few additions to the year list with two Wheatears on the golf course at Girdleness on Friday, plus a couple of Sandwich Terns past the lighthouse. Saturday's visit to Dinnet produced my first Swallows on Loch Kinnord, along with a group of 20+ departing Redwings, which we found chattering away in the treetops. There was a definite fall of Meadow Pipits around Muir of Dinnet with birds popping up everywhere as we enjoyed a few hours walking. An early stop on the Ythan Estuary before visiting friends (socially distanced outside) in Collieston produced my first Osprey of the year, a matter of good timing as we drove past the 'Snub' car park at precisely the right time.

Despite the winter refusing to relinquish its icy grip (it's snowing right now) there's still plenty to do and see and in particular the huge skeins of Pink-footed Geese that pass over the house daily. The days are getting longer too and with temperatures set to rise, although not dramatically, in the coming week I remain positive that Willow Warbler will be on my year list come next Sunday!


Sand Martins taking a breather at the local Dalmadilly Ponds

This Sand Martin at Dalmadilly Ponds in -3C thinking he's made a grave error of judgement!

You can't visit anywhere on the Aberdeenshire coast without seeing the beautiful Eider Ducks

A constant passage of Kittiwakes past Girdleness on Friday

A Gannet fishes relatively close to the Girdleness headland on the stiff northerly breeze

One of two male Wheaters on the golf course at Girleness

Another shot of this morning's Osprey

Almost summer plumage Golden Plover at Newburgh