πŸ”’ Lockdown Day 22

⛅️7C to start then ☀️10C ~ Wind ←NE@4mphTuesday 14th April 2020 ~ Nothing to report of any interest on the #nocmig last night, in fact, the last few nights have been exceptionally quiet.

Just two of yesterdays seven Yellow Wagtails were located today.
A later and somewhat fragmented visit to Napton Reservoir today. When I arrived I was surprised to find an older couple, who I hasten to add had driven here, feeding the ducks and accompanied by the yappiest dog you'd wish to hear. I had to smile but frankly, any chance of finding anything new had greatly diminished. I only managed two of yesterdays seven Yellow Wagtails and the reedbed held a singing Reed Warbler and two Sedge Warblers. After a short while, I left to try my luck at some hedge bashing.

Two Common Whitethroats at the marina today ( A library image of mine from last year)
The best results today were at the marina, where while sitting enjoying a coffee on the deck my first Common Whitethroat of the year appeared on top of a nearby hawthorn.

Barn Owl quartering the  dog exercise field this evening
In the early evening, Dazza and I enjoyed an excellent half-hour watching a Barn Owl quartering the dog exercise field and while here a second or same Common Whitethroat was noted.