πŸ”’ Lockdown Day 23/24

☀️2C to start then ☀️15C ~ Wind ↑S@Calm Wednesday 15th April 2020 ~ A chilly start to the day and I was greeted by a very stern looking Common Whitethroat as I stepped foot off the boat to begin my daily walk!

A very stern looking Common Whitethroat greeted me at the end of the pontoon!
The date was right for Lesser Whitethroat too and right on cue, my wish was granted as I approached the reservoir when one was singing in the nearby hawthorn. In fact, I managed three by the time I got back aboard, one, in particular, was heard for most of the day singing around the marina.

The Common Whitethroat did eventually chill out & manage a song
Unfortunately once again my visit to the reservoir was disrupted! This time by the Canal Trust who today were already strimming the perimeter when I arrived and a large grasscutter was taking care of the banks. Above the noise, I could still make out Sedge Warbler and Reed Warbler from the reedbeds but no sign any of the recent Yellow Wagtails. During my walk Chiffchaff, Blackcap & Willow Warbler all noted and time spent on the deck skywatching during the course of the day produced the now daily Red Kite, several BuzzardsKestrel. I did hear a Common Tern at one point while indoors but no sign when I went out for a look.

☀️10C to start then ☀️17C ~ Wind ←E@3mph Thursday 16th April 2020 ~ A very enjoyable walk today in glorious conditions, adding a local private wood to the itinerary, as viewed from the public footpath.

Two Common Sandpipers at Napton Reservoir today
The reedbed at Napton Reservoir gets nosier on each visit with more Sedge and Reed Warblers arriving overnight. Again no sign of Yellow Wagtails now likely moved on, but more arrivals of Common Whitethroat and just a single Lesser Whitethroat heard today.

Hare ~ A much rarer sight in this part of Warwickshire these days.
Sadly now a much rarer sight in this part of Warwickshire these days but it was great to see a Hare hunkered down in one of the fields as I passed by.

A Treecreeper on the lookout for breakfast
The wood was a hive of activity with nesting Starlings and Jackdaws. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was busy drumming away and a few Chaffinches, Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs were singing. Unfortunately, no Nuthatch to add to my 'Lockdown List' and the best was a couple of Treecreepers looking for breakfast. The wood does have the potential for something good in the coming weeks so it's definitely worth bearing in mind.